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Our History

In Cambodia, the request of child and infants to overseas has been implemented since 1987 in according to the decision number 79 SSR dated 23 June, 1987 of the Council of Ministers. During that period, most of child adopters were staff of international organizations which were on mission in Cambodia. While the mission was finished… Read More »


នៅថ្ងៃទី១០ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ ២០២២ នៅទីស្តីការក្រសួងសង្គមកិច្ច អតីតយុទ្ធជន និងយុវនីតិសម្បទា​ និងជាអាជ្ញាធរកណ្តាលស្មុំកូនអន្តរប្រទេស នៃព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា ក្រោមអធិបតីភាព ឯកឧត្តម នឹម ថូត រដ្ឋលេខាធិការប្រចាំការ នៃក្រសួងសង្គមកិច្ច អតីតយុទ្ធជន និងយុវនីតិសម្បទា បានរៀបចំពិធីចុះហត្ថលេខាលើកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងរវាង រដ្ឋបាលស្មុំកូនអន្តរប្រទេស  និងក្រុមការងារអនុវត្ត និងគ្រប់គ្រងគម្រោង(អនាគតភ្លឺស្វាងរបស់យើង) រួមមាន CIFA CIAI AIBI និង ARIETE ដើម្បីបណ្តុះបណ្តាលមន្រ្តី បុគ្គលិកពាក់ព័ន្ធ ក្នុងការអនុវត្តច្បាប់ស្តីពីស្មុំកូនអន្តរប្រទេស។

Meeting Discussion

On Thursday, March 03, 2022, Director and officers of Inter-Country Adoption Administration has a discussion meeting with H.E Nim Thot permanent secretary of state and H.E Sok Buntha under secretary of state on training projects between Inter-Country Adoption and agency Italy.

Meeting Discussion with Italian Agency

On October 27, 2021, at the ministry of social affairs, veterans and youth rehabilitation. H.E Nim Thot permanent secretary of state has discuss meeting with representative from CIFA and CIA (Italian Agency) to discuss about inter-country adoption affair in Cambodia and training cause projects with Inter-Country adoption administration.

Meeting Discussion

On Thursday, May 27, 2021. Director and officers of Inter-Country Adoption Administration has discussion meeting with H.E Nim Thot permanent secretary of state, H.E Sok Buntha under secretary of state, H.E Meo Sovadey ministry advisor and representative from child welfare department and National Borey for Infant and Children to review and answer question from Australian… Read More »

Meeting Discussion with Representative of Italian Agency

On 26 October 2020 at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, the Inter-Adoption Administration conduct a discussion meeting with Mrs Martina Canetta Cambodia Country representative of NAAA agency . The purpose of this meeting is update information and collaborate relate with inter-country adoption in Cambodia.

ICAA Training Cause

From 20th till 23rd Inter-County Adoption Administration has conduct a training cause on Capacity building on Inter-County Adoption and related work to ICAA Staff at Ministry of Social Affairs Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation.

Meeting Discussion

Tuesday, October 06, 2020. Director and officers of Inter-Country Adoption Administration have discussion meeting with H.E Nim Thot permanent secretary of state and H.E Sok Buntha Under secretary of state, H.E Mao Sovadei MoSVY advisor to review and reedit of Prakas on The Organization and Functioning of the Central Authority for Inter-Country Adoption of the… Read More »

Meeting Discussion with Representative of Italian Agency

On 22 July, 2020, at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, the Inter-Adoption Administration conduct a discussion meeting with representative of CIAI agency . The purpose of this meeting is update information and collaborate relate with inter-country adoption in Cambodia.

Meeting Discussion

On Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Director and officers of Inter-Country Adoption Administration have discussion meeting with H.E Nim Thot permanent secretary of state and H.E Sok Buntha under secretary of state to continue reviewing and answer questionnaire on the practical operation of the 1993 Adoption Convention.

Meeting on Archives Management

On , Thursday July 16, 2020. Director and officers of Inter-Country Adoption Administration have meeting with H.E Khoun Ranin secretary of state, H.E Sanet Vathana under secretary of state and officers from planing department to check and answer on the Archives Management of Inter-Country Adoption office